The In-Between

Present around, alongside, and intertwined with our nerves, blood vessels, bones, muscles, and various inner bits, fascia connects each and every part of our body from within.

Made up of fibers (elastin and collagen), cells (fibroblasts, adipocytes, macrophages, etc.), and ground substance (mainly ions and water), our connective tissues provides not only structural support, but also protection of organs, storage of mechanical energy, metabolic functions, and formation of scar tissue.

Fascial research is a fascinating and constantly evolving area of study! Recognizing the continuity within our bodies can allow us to better care for our selves and each other.

Meeting Your Body Where It’s At

Fascial bodywork means we listen in, adjusting contact as needed. Gentle tension and/or compression is applied to your body, meeting your tissue’s resistance. We pause, we wait, we breathe. We allow your body and nervous system the time and space to recognize what you need, and we adjust accordingly.

A light touch over longer periods helps to unwind the body, improve mobility, and reduce pain and inflammation. Contact is often static, and it is common for no oil or cream to be used during treatment. If oil or cream is used, options include jojoba oil and/or Biotone Pure Touch Organics Massage Creme. Please review ingredients for allergies/sensitivities.

Kinesiotape - Kinesiotaping is a supplement to hands-on care, and provides a myriad of benefits. This special kind of tape gently lifts the skin and allows for improved circulation, lymphatic drainage, and overall mobility through the underlying tissues. It can improve kinesthetic awareness and proprioception, and is not only beneficial for correcting postural imbalances, but may also enhance performance for athletes of all ages. While athletic tape is often used to stabilize and limit movement, kinesiotape allows for mobility without restricting function. Useful in all stages of healing and activity levels, kinesiotape can be beneficial to many individuals.